Combining natural and organic ingredients infused with hemp extract, Koi CBD Lotion has a soothing feel and is available in three pleasant scents – Lavender, Citrus Burst, and Pink Grapefruit. How to Make DIY CBD Hemp Oil Topicals | HempMeds One of our HempMeds’ ® customers, a faithful CBD hemp oil salve user, has a confession: “Sometimes I want slightly different ingredients and more CBD!” She’s not alone, as more and more of our customers have been asking about how to increase CBD levels in their salves, lotions, and creams.
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It’s the daily routine of many cannabis connoisseurs around the world: Grinding up weed, and then packing it into a spliff, bong or vaporizer.Smoking a well-built spliff or blunt, is equally amazing but as time progresses, new modes of consumption are getting more popular.
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